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How to Dig Level with an Excavator?

Views: 641     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-05-24      Origin: Site

How to Dig Level with an Excavator?

Leveling the ground is the most basic job in excavator with bucket  work. It is also one of the jobs where the level of operation can be seen best. Although anyone who has worked on a construction site can tell you that your first choice may be to dig a trench with a trenching bucket, but sometimes you are often not satisfied with the leveling effect. It is inevitable that you may need to use an excavator trenching bucket to dig a trench. So how to use an excavator for horizontal excavation?



Here are Some Practical Methods

The car should stand level. Leveling first is to level the station and stand firmly. Before leveling, level the position under the excavator track shoes. Put the excavator track link on a flat and stable ground, so that you can ensure that the driver will not make mistakes during visual inspection, and completing the leveling work is half the success.


Choose a reference. The reference object is commonly known as the elevation. For novices, the elevation point density can be increased. For situations where the original ground is generally higher than the actual elevation, the elevation should be raised uniformly. For skilled old drivers, you can choose a leveled ground or a ground with a different color as a reference. The choice of reference objects directly affects the overall flatness of the ground.


Trust the instrument, don't trust the eyes too much. After staring at the ground for a long time, it is prone to deviation. If possible, use the level as much as possible for reference. In addition, if the excavator is flat, the excavator bucket is close to the ground and does not move, and the height difference nearby can be seen by turning 180 degrees. Use a measuring instrument or laser level to mark the direction of the trench. Or if you don't have these, a can of spray paint is fine.


Get close to the target. If it is safe to do so, bring your machine to the target so you can use your track chain markers to help you stay in a straight line.


Digging in layers. Instead of digging to the required depth immediately with the caterpillar machine, dig a little at a time. Remove the top layer of soil and dig down steadily.


Pay attention to the centerline when digging a v-shaped trench, and make sure that the centerline is deeper than the slope.


Remember, safety and functionality are more important than beauty. We can easily notice the appearance of the trench, but as long as the trench is wide enough and deep enough, the copper tube can be put in, even if it is completely straight. As with other heavy equipment, learning how to dig the "perfect trench" with an excavator requires practice. Digging is a skill that is difficult to learn in the classroom. It is a skill that takes time to develop. Through practice and observation of experienced operators at work, you will gradually develop an intuitive "feel" of how to do it well. 


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